About Me

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Merlin, The Waters of Mer
I am a teenage mermaid in the city of Merlin in the ocean of Mer. I was born under the sign of the seal, shown by my last name, Sealdotter. My hair is flame red, and my skin the color of milk chocolate. My eyes are a bright, lively purple. I am servant to the merrish princess, Melisande. My best friends are Eladea and Edessa, her ladies in waiting. This is my diary. These are our adventures.


Third day of Dolphin, First Month of Mammals

This morning I told my mother I would be serving the Princess Melisande for four days straight, as we four were having a grand party. Seeing as she was ill and the lie could not be discovered, I have four days on the land. I gathered up my Walker papers that I had preserved from our last adventure, and made safe in protective Walker plas-tix. There were some that said 100 on them. I assumed they were very expensive. I would try to save them for further outings. After swimming most of the day, I arrived at the walker dock. I decided to rest a night, and relate to you my 'adventure.'

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